NOODLE-AFRICAN GREY PARROTS is a very popular and common ornamental bird. This species has been known as a domestic animal for centuries. These parrots appear on Egyptian hieroglyphs, and several civilizations have also considered them as such. The parrot African grey parrot accompanied Portuguese sailors during their long sea crossings.
The adult male Congo African grey parrot is a stocky parrot. The body plumage is gray with paler edges giving an intense scaled effect, especially on the head, neck, back, and breast. The wings are dark gray with blackish primaries. Uppertail-coverts and rectrices are bright red. On the underparts, the gray scaly effect of the breast fades to paler gray to whitish on the belly and vent. Undertail coverts are red. The head is lighter with a rather white scaly effect.
The bare facial skin is white and includes cere, Dolores, and broad eyering. The strong, hooked bill is blackish. The eyes are pale yellow. Legs and feet are gray to dark grey. Both sexes are similar. The immature has a red tail with a darker red tip. He has gray eyes.
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